Adventures #25 & 26 

I took piano lessons as a child from about the age of 7 to 11 years. I still know how to read music, and for a long time, I have wanted to get back into it. I find that anything that involves working with my hands from drawing to sewing is very therapeutic for me as for many others. So since I am in Chicago visiting and staying at my parents’ house where there is a piano, I decided to print out the sheet music for Pachelbel’s Canon. It only took me about two days to grasp it, and I almost have it memorized! The next song I’d like to tackle is Yiruma’s A River Flows In You. Apparently it is featured in the Twilight movie, but I first learned of this song in my yoga class in Korea. I have plans to purchase a keyboard upon my arrival back in Seoul (only a few weeks away) and hopefully I will have this song down by then.


Since I’ve been back in Chicago, to put it bluntly, I’ve been very bored. So aside from joining a gym to keep myself busy, I wanted to recreate some of the meals that I had experienced throughout my travels in Asia. So tonight I made some Thai curry chicken with coconut milk. It was a favorite of mine in Cambodia. I’m pleased to report that my dish came out similarly to the Cambodian one!
