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  • adventurechaser 11:08 pm on January 20, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , Hula, Jane,   

    Poets Of Cambridge 

    My week two adventure looked something like this…. It was a dark and cool night. Two friends ventured to the green line only to be encapsulated for mere minutes until delivery to the red – taking us to an unknown land called Cambridge. Ok so it really wasn’t unknown as I had been there many times before but for nothing quite as special as this.

    Jane and I ventured out that night to support our good friend and founder of The Year of 52 Adventures, Kim, in her first ever poetry reading. Let me back up for a moment and inject that the mere fact that Jane and I made it somewhere together and didn’t get lost or have an awkward train experience in and of itself qualifies as an adventure – but that’s not the focus of this particular post. This adventure wasn’t so much about the location where it took place or transport there. However the eclectic artwork that lined the walls top to bottom and side to side, the stray cat that seemed to be endeared by everyone (well, everyone but me due to a distant memory that included a lunging cat, hissing, blood, a spray bottle, scars, and cat-scratch disease), and the over-zealous host who very well could have been elated for reasons other than being the keeper of such an evening were cause enough for sensory overload and future poetry material. (More …)

    • yearof52adventures 12:28 am on January 21, 2010 Permalink


    • Jane Showalter 12:37 am on January 21, 2010 Permalink

      You’re right, it is a big triumph that we made it somewhere together! And I think that cat had some radar for the people who wanted to pet it (I’ll admit it: me), and went instead to the people who didn’t really care for it (like the man sleeping on the sofa.)

  • jeindeer 3:53 pm on January 6, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Jane,   

    Possible Adventures 

    I don’t have 52, but some of the ideas I’m working with include:

    Take an exhaustive inventory of all the belongings I have with me here in Boston.

    Read a bunch of Poe, then take the “Raven in the Frog Pond” Poe walk through Boston as illustrated in the BPL exhibit.

    Attend a B movie marathon in its entirety.

    Participate in a poetry reading. As a reader.

    Attend a cake decorating class.

    Try to become an extra in a movie.

    Detoxification week. No caffeine, alcohol, sugary junk food, or meat, and easy on the cheese. Not so much a “cleanse” as airing out the weird shamanistic relationship I have with food—ice cream doesn’t solve problems.

    Take a chess lesson or attend a chess seminar to learn basic strategy.

    Same deal with playing pool.

    Extend my memorized multiplication tables up to fifteen–I’m embarrassed by how long it takes me to do simple math sometimes.

    Go to a wine tasting.

    Finish reading Infinite Jest in some specific place. It’s already been a memorable book for me, and I think it would be worthwhile to read the last hundred pages or so (granted, I’m not there yet) in a location I’d like to remember.

    Beg, borrow, or steal my way back to Pittsburgh to revisit the participatory improv show I attended in undergrad, and actually go up for a few scenes.

    Develop a “signature dish.” Document the preparation in some kind of faux food blog entry. (Sub-adventure: figure out how to work settings on camera.)

    Play a board game in a public place, with the usual degree of enthusiasm I use to play board games, which is: an embarrassing degree of enthusiasm. Attempt to recruit passerby.

    Possibly: No Pants T Ride on Sunday? The Boston version of Improv Everywhere’s annual No Pants T Ride is planned for this Sunday, and if they get their act together, I might be swayed.

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