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  • Kimberly Hula 12:54 pm on January 17, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: bento box, cooking   

    If you must judge me, do so after tasting my chilli. 

    Hiro and I have been forced into a life of frugality.  Well, we could live well, but we choose not to in effort to save enough money to host a wedding, buy a car, put a down payment on a house, pay off student loans, pay off credit cards, and on.  We’re lucky really, that we are both employed and live in a place we long to return to, and have all the modern comforts you can come to think of (internet, tv, nearby bus service).  But we’ve tightened the fiscal belt which has yielded some unexpected results (many additional adventures to come!).

    Where we haven’t funds, we have imagination.  I know that imagination doesn’t pay the bills, but it does!  Here I will confess to rarely cooking.  And what little I cook it usually belly-full of preservatives and/or found pre-made requiring some heat.  I didn’t know how to al dente.  Or pan sear.  The only thing I could do, or thought I did well, was to ice cakes, and even then I paid little or no attention to the resounding taste.

    My new test kitchen

    So now that we’ve a home, with a large kitchen and combined cooking supplies, I took to the kitchen.  My kitchen.  And it was there I began to realize why chefs are so brazen, and why cooking is often referred to as an art.  I see that it’s more than the sum of a gaggle of ingredients.  It takes brains, brauns and inventive thinking to churn out a successful dish.  I’m not near there, but the journey is increasingly tasty… (More …)

  • jeindeer 12:30 am on January 26, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , cooking, italian food, kitchen, pasta, recipe   

    #4: Cooking Spaghetti al Limone 

    When in Rome, when it’s summer, try the spaghetti al limone.

    My younger sister and I were lucky enough to visit our father in Germany last summer. I’d just graduated college, and the chance to think in travel itineraries instead of real-world milestones was almost as enchanting as the landmarks I could see. I’m thankful for that amazing opportunity. Rome was an absolute dream. I wanted to take it all in at a fever pace, but as a redhead with a German-Canadian’s cold weather constitution, no amount of gelato could keep me cool enough for unbroken touring. My heart was in the Coliseum but my body temperature was at Mount Vesuvius.

    Just after Aventine Hill, we stumbled into a cafe for some mineral water and a fortifying dose of carbs. I couldn’t face a hearty Bolognese with my pasta; even marinara was out of the question. So I chose something that seemed tart, summery, and–prophetically?–adventurous: a creamy, lemony pasta.

    (More …)

    • Kelly Smith 4:18 pm on January 26, 2010 Permalink

      mmmmmm! When i was in Sienna I had the best pasta ever. Spaghetti with Garlic Olive Oil infused with pepperoncini peppers. It was absolutely amazing. It was hot, like I drank a whole bottle of water myself hot. But the olive oil was so amazing. I bought a bottle from a local store in Sienna and tried to make it at home. It never came out right. I’m going to start looking for a recipe online to see if I can find something similar.

    • Anonymous 4:08 pm on January 30, 2010 Permalink


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