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  • faolan01 4:39 pm on May 24, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , motorcycle   

    Adventure #5 – Rally Time 

    Adventure number 5 kicked off with a visit to Riverside Motorsports in Somerville Saturday, will last all summer and will include several other adventures along the way. While I was in getting my inspection sticker I picked up my Ducati Passport and first stamp for this year’s Passport Rally before taking a (very) roundabout route up to Beverley to add a second stamp at Eastern Cycle Ducati

    The New England Desmo Owners Club Passport Rally is, essentially, a friendly competition and excuse to get out and go riding all over the northeast. This is the second year of what we hope to keep going as a running (and growing) event. The rules are pretty simple: ride to as many of the participating dealerships and events as you can and get your passport stamped at each one. At the rally in September everyone turns in their passports and the person with the most stamps in each category wins. This year they’ve added another way to earn points by submitting pictures of our bikes with our passports in front of certain landmarks spread throughout the region. All in all it’s a lot of fun, and finding as many of the places as possible makes for great adventures. For last year’s rally I did a 3-day romp through 5 states collecting stamps as I went, and I’m planning at least 2 or 3 trips for this year.

    2 stamps down, a whole lot to go!

    • yearof52adventures 11:56 am on May 25, 2010 Permalink

      that sounds absolutely amazing! what do these stamps look like? I like the idea of moto-adventure stamps!

    • blueskiesinva 7:25 pm on May 25, 2010 Permalink

      Don’t you love summer?! This sounds like such fun!

    • faolan01 6:55 am on May 26, 2010 Permalink

      Oh, it’s a lot of fun! The stamps are rubber stamps like you’d have in a real passport.

      **edit** finally figured out how to insert the pictures into the original post 😀

    • Ducky 10:45 am on May 3, 2011 Permalink

      What a joy to find such clear thinking. Thanks for potisng!

  • faolan01 11:44 pm on May 11, 2010 Permalink | Reply

    Adventure #4 – Enabling Another Adventurer 

    I took last Friday off to adventure, and ended up going on a completely different adventure than I had planned. I had planned on spending that beautiful, sunny day out on my own kicking off a summer long adventure I have planned. I was all geared up, helmet in hand and walking to the door when I received a text text that changed my plans for the day. Taking someone out for an adventure of their own? Of course I was up for it!

    A friend had posted her list of adventures she wants to have this summer and I had offered to help with a couple, particularly helping her learn to ride her scooter and taking her on her first trip to a firing range. Friday was her only day off for the weekend so I got changed, grabbed my range bag and headed out to pick her up. When we got to the range I gave her a basic firearms safety overview, showed her how to load and aim a pistol and how the safety on it worked, and set her up with her first target. At first hitting the target at all was more a matter of luck than anything (as is the case for most people who have never fired a gun before), but with a bit of coaching and practice she improved a lot. By the end of the day she was consistently hitting the inner rings of the target and hit her first center-dot bulls-eye!

    We both had a lot of fun, and we each got to check an adventure off of our lists. I also sent her the link to The Year of 52 Adventures and encouraged her to check it out. She looked at my list and told me she wants to try dancing lessons as well, so it looks like I’m going to have a partner in crime for at least one more of the adventures on my list.

    • yearof52adventures 9:59 am on May 12, 2010 Permalink

      FANTASTIC! Adventures are so much better shared, aren’t they?
      Way to be an adventure liasion!

  • faolan01 12:00 am on May 11, 2010 Permalink | Reply

    Adventure #3 – Catching up with an old friend 

    Technically this adventure began a few months ago when Lisa found me on Facebook, but it wasn’t until a few days ago that we finally got to sit down and talk face to face again. We met in 1993 and were close friends all through high school. We went to different schools and were a year apart, but because we dated each others friends we went to the same semi formals and proms. (Admittedly, I may have scared off one or two guys she had crushes on…ok, maybe 3 or 4…certainly not more than 5 or 6…)

    When I headed off to college in 96 we still got to hang out on the occasional weekend that I was home, and I went to her prom with one of her friends, but life and distance kept pushing us further apart. The summer of 97 we tried to hang out more, but summer jobs and life in general kept getting in the way. When we headed off to our respective colleges in the fall we both just seemed too busy with everything going on in our own worlds to be able to keep in touch and just sort of drifted away. The last time I saw her was December of 98. (More …)

  • faolan01 12:30 pm on April 30, 2010 Permalink | Reply

    Adventure #2, Sunrise 

    Today my adventure was the result of accident and circumstance rather than planning and intention. Today I got to do something I only manage to do once every few years.

    Today I sat out on the breakers and watched the sun rise over the Atlantic.

    There have been many, many times when I have been out all night and not gotten home until the sun had risen. It was much more common in high school and college, but it still happens from time to time now that I am “grown up”. But of all those times that I was awake when the sun came up, either because I had already woken up or because I was still up, I have only sat and watched the sun rise less than a dozen times. Every single time I have been amazed. If you live on the east coast, or near enough to the east coast to make this a possibility, do yourself a favor and head down to the waterfront some morning to witness the ocean being lit on fire by the rising sun. Watch as green turns to yellow and orange and red and revel in the breaking of a new day.

    • yearof52adventures 4:28 pm on April 30, 2010 Permalink

      what a lovely adventure to stumble upon. I’m in hot pursuit of a sunset this weekend!

    • lyds 6:59 pm on April 30, 2010 Permalink

      What a beautiful description of another of God’s most colorful artwork.

  • faolan01 11:16 pm on April 20, 2010 Permalink | Reply

    Adventure #1 – Beginning the Adventure 

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, so it only seems fitting that my year of adventures should begin with a single, simple adventure. So here it is, my first adventure is joining this budding community and making this post declaring my commitment to a year of adventures. Some will be completely new while others will be things I’ve done before and decided that I need to do again. I have a partial list of adventures I want to have this year, but as for the rest…well I’m fairly certain that life will provide me with plenty of opportunities to find more adventures.

    So in no particular order (other than that which I thought of these), here is my list so far…

    2. Take a cooking class

    3. Go to a wine tasting

    4. Go skydiving (More …)

    • yearof52adventures 11:19 pm on April 20, 2010 Permalink

      Welcome aboard! I think I speak on behalf of everyone when I say that we are so happy to have you!
      Happy Adventuring!

    • jeindeer 11:34 am on April 21, 2010 Permalink

      Hey there, and welcome! Those are some really great adventure ideas, and I’m looking forward to hearing about how they play out (especially the motorcycle road trip).

    • faolan01 6:26 pm on April 21, 2010 Permalink

      Thank you, and thank you! Adventures that involve my bike are the ones I’m looking forward to the most as well, and will likely end up being paired with other adventures (road trip to check out an art museum perhaps?). I’m having a great time reading about the adventures others have been posting, and look forward to seeing what everyone does this year.

    • adventurechaser 8:51 am on April 24, 2010 Permalink

      28 – I have done it a couple times and it is fantastic helping others adventure – a couple lead to an adventure of my own – see poetry reading. I love all those ones that involve your motorcycle – as someone with a motorcycle license with no bike I will settle feeling the wind through my hair through reading about your adventures.

    • how much should i weigh 4:24 am on May 1, 2010 Permalink

      wow fun stuff dude.

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