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  • jeindeer 4:31 pm on January 21, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , cold, convention, science fiction   

    #3: Attend a Science Fiction Convention 

    I’m a big science fiction fan.  It runs in my family.  Give me your Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, Farscape–franchise or standalone, short story, novel, television- or mini-series or movie.  I’m a sucker for a good myth arc, be it preachy, quippy, campy, or politically allegorical.  I guess you could say that I enjoy slipping into other worlds, or the idea that this one has whole secret patterns we just haven’t noticed yet. 

    One universe that does exist, but which I’ve never explored, is the Science Fiction Convention itself.  I’ve been invited, I’ve been coaxed, but I’ve never committed to going.  It’s usually the road trip that puts me off.  Imagine my surprise to find that a science fiction convention was in town last weekend. I’d already missed the first day of Arisia 2010 by the time I discovered it, and I had plans to attend the American Library Association’s Midwinter Meeting.  Since it’s the year of 52 adventures I decided to take a break from a conference that used science to organize fiction to visit a science fiction convention. It was just in Cambridge!  Not a long trip at all. Except, of course, that the day I picked to venture out with a couple of like-minded neighbors was one of the slushiest I’ve ever seen. Appropriately enough, we now had a quest.

    (More …)

  • jeindeer 2:23 pm on January 10, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , boston sos, cold, music,   

    #2: No Pants T Ride (pre-adventure) 


    So it’s really happening, and I’m really going to be a participant.

    As I sit here trying to pick an album for my morning commute, it dawns on me for the first time that whichever one I choose will be remembered forever as the album from that time I rode the T pantsless. That adds a pretty new dose of realism. It’s a monumental choice to make at 9:00 on a Sunday morning. The way I figure it, the only way I can keep from “breaking character”–showing so much as a snicker as commuters drop trou en masse–is to choose something upbeat enough that I can nod along with drowsy intent. I haven’t picked one yet. I think it’s going to have to be a spur-of-the-moment choice, which makes sense, because that’s pretty much the only way to decide this is a good idea.

    Have a late-breaking urge to join up? We’re meeting at the Alewife T stop at noon. Look at the folks with the question mark umbrellas; they’re the organizers from Boston S.O.S., who’ll give out routing information. Additionally, if you sign up for an account beforehand (http://www.soscities.org/) and give your username to an organizer, you’ll get points in that web site’s currency which can be converted into donation dollars for a charity of your choice.

    If time, distance or common sense deter you from participating, you can still track updates through the twitter #NoPantsBoston hashtag at http://twitter.com/#search?q=%23NoPantsBoston. The fact that it takes place underground will probably keep updates limited, but maybe the people on the above-ground lines will be extra talkative.

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