Want to become an author to the “Year of 52 Adventures”? Lovely. Sign up for a wordpress account, and email the administrators, Kimberlyhula and/or Roberto Lopez the email address you used to sign up for said account at: Kimberlyhula@gmail.com, mrlopez00@yahoo.com They, in turn, will send you a confirmation that will enable you to begin blogging.

Happy adventuring!

At present, we have the following thrill seekers on tap:

Kimberly Hula (yearof52adventures), Creator, is an aspiring author, therapist in training, makeshift craftsman and marathon runner.  She enjoys handwritten letters and skewed syntax.  She is a born explorer and wants more than anything to go on a European Library tour. She’s also fond of adventure e-mails and may be reached at: Kimberlyhula@gmail.com

Roberto Lopez (wip78), author, 33, lives in the East Lakeview Area on Chicago’s North Side.  Although he’s had a few career stints that range from wedding planning to retail, his true passion lies in teaching.  Roberto has been working as a Bilingual Teacher’s Assitant for the past 12 years and certification is just around the corner.  Roberto inspired 3 (yes count ’em!) adventurers to quit smoking!  If he inspired others, he can inspire himself to do it again! Adventure on!! mrlopez00@yahoo.com


Jane Showalter (jeindeer), co-administrator, is a graduate student in Library and Information Science and an energetic collector of owls, short story anthologies and curry stains. Jane has been the recipient of mysterious gifts in recent weeks and is dutifully teaching herself to juggle. She is always reading something lovely.

Mark Joseph Perry (MJPerry1), author, is a darling force to be reckoned with.  He jumped on board the adventure train after an impromptu conversation with the creator and hasn’t looked back since.  He participated in the inaugural Polar Bear plunge and is busy, at work, defining his remaining adventures.  He has enlisted the blog community to ‘choose his adventure’, so, let’s go wild in doing so!  Mark is an aspiring attorney at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign and has directed, performed in and assisted numerous theatre productions.

Trisa Inzerillo (cupcakeemergency), author, was with us from the start.  She has a darling list of adventures that are just the right mix of sweet and spicy.  She currently lives in the Chicagoland area and can make you a cupcake that will melt your face off.

Daniel Ralph Bloomquist Amborn (Berton), author, currently resides in the cold north of Minnesota.  He met the creator in Japan, where he lived and worked as an English teacher to children in Suzaka.  Daniel has a lovely affinity for comics, humanity and friendship.  He is pumped to be part of the Year of 52 Adventures and has quite a list compiled.

Mariah Whalen (mizimoo), author, comes to us from the great UK (Oxford, to be exact), recently transplated after having spent 2 years living in Hiroshima Japan.  Ms. Whalen loves solitary adventures in as much as she enjoys group activities and once almost lost her life to snakes and cliffs while going it solo on the sacred island of Miyajima.  Ask her about it.  It’s a delightful story!

Myndi Meyor Devore (Myndevore), author, makes up part of our Chicago contingency.  Both Myndi and her husband Charlie will be participating in the year of 52 adventures.  Myndi’s list will have her partake in letter writing, craft making and memory making.  She is a literary editor and makes absolutely amazing mixed CD’s.

Charlie Devore (Chardevore), author, is also an essential component of our Chicago cohort.  Charlie and his lovely wife Myndi can oft be found doing Chicago justice with cultural activities.  He’s busy purusing his JD at Northwestern University and, of course, adventuring.

Lauren Bennett (Lauren), author, boasts an impressive collection of chefs coats and flourescent running gear.  Having lived in nearly every neighborhood in Boston, Lauren is no stranger to new experiences.  She will be embarking on the adventure of a lifetime: culinary school.  Let’s enjoy her trial and errors, shall we?  In our bellies.

jean Ann Stanula (jscribe), author, has cats with fortunate literary namesakes and is a master of DIY haircuts.  She just relocated to Chicago, her hometown, after having lived a spell in Austin and a longer S-P-E-L-L in DC.  She and the creator, Kimberly, saw eachother for the first time in half a decade last week.

Jen Lile (eatveggiesdrinkwine), author, is an academic advisor by day and a budding adventurer by night and weekend. When not advising and adventuring, she’s teaching and practicing yoga, cooking, reading, dreaming about the ocean and surfing, and feeling inspired by ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

Jen Nitzband (jneitz), author/actor/investment banker/pilates instructor/etc., is our West Coast Adventure Rep!   Though everyday can be an adventure in sunny Los Angeles, Jen has picked 52 daring feats- from getting a motorcycle license to rock climbing- to accomplish with her fellow adventurers this year. Jen, affectionately nick-named Jen Nnnnnn by some (namely, the creator), is a powerhouse.  If you can adventure with her, do!  You’ll never quite be the same…

Lisa Gillis (try2stopme), author, is the Picasso of face-painters.  Among her many talents, Lisa is the proud owner of a pre-school and play-place in Chicago proper.  She feeds children heart-healthy food.  And they like it!  Having witnessed this magic I think we should follow her on any and all adventures she decides to undertake.

Julie Howe (never0dd0reven), author, has left Chicago to call Milwaukee, Tempe, and now New Brunswick home.  Besides traveling in and outside the U.S., Julie loves meeting new people and treating everyday like an adventure. She enjoys movies, group fitness classes, and good home cooked-for-me meals.  Julie has been helping adventures find adventurers…Adopt one today.

Brian MacDuckston (Screeech), author, is an active collaborator hailing from the land of the rising sun.  When not eating ramen (he is often, often, often eating ramen), he is writing, talking and photograhing said ramen exploits.  Brian just recently featured in the New York Times for his current blog adventure: http://www.ramenadventures.com.  He is solely responsible for the knot in that scarf.  And that is one impressive knot.

Stephanie Fritz (Stephanie), author, is no stranger to mobile adventure.  She collectively crossed the border into Canada 4 times in the month of January.  In addition to having a penchant for iced wine, border patrol and elongated vowels, Stephanie has been known to challenge men to push up competition in bars.  She makes a fierce white pizza and an even fiercer rum punch.

Andrea Gargano (ganstaoflove), author, is a former therapist, originally from Chicago, who decided to uproot and move to Seoul, South Korea to teach English and adventure on.  And on.  And on.