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  • Berton 5:42 am on February 7, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Charles Schulz, Lucy, Minnesota, Peanuts, Snoopy   

    Week 4 – Peanuts for Pleasure 

    Not a surprise to people who know me, but I haven’t ever really grown up.  I am still a child at heart, big time.  Though I can be mature and serious, I love having silly moments of fun.  I still try to do things that entertained me when I was in elementary school, because to be honest, they are still WAY fun!  One of the things that I do, along these lines, is read comics.

    Now, I’m not referring to comic books.  I mean, I do still read those.  I have a fairly large comic book collection.  Peter Parker is my best bud.  I am going to name many of my children after X-Men characters.  But no, I am currently referring to comic strips.  Like Dilbert or Calvin and Hobbes.

    Now, fun fact: Charles Schulz, the creator of the Peanuts strip, was born and raised in the Twin Cities.  So to honor him, the city of St. Paul hosted something called “Peanuts on Parade” in 2000.  Originally, a total of 101 statues of Peanuts characters were strewn throughout the city.  However, after 2004, the city auctioned many of them off to support local artistic charities, as well as to commission several permanent bronze statues that would be in St. Paul city parks.  Some of the originals are still around the city.  But because they are now privately owned, there isn’t an official map of their locations anymore, nor a well known number of how many.  So for this adventure, a good friend of mine and I went out to look for the non-bronze ones!

    It was quite the random trip.  We weren’t sure where many were.  We had a few hints from friends, but not many.  So here was our plan of action: we printed off the original map with the statues locations as of 2000 (12 years ago…).  We then went to the local businesses near the original locations and asked if they knew where any had ended up.  Needless to say, many random conversations were had (and almost all of them were awkward too).  But we found a total of eight statues in one Saturday afternoon, which I think was quite the success!  So here is some photo evidence of the achievements and a small description of how we found it:

    The first two statues we tried to find were misses!  There were supposed to be two near the Ford Plant, but alas, none to be found!  However, as we were driving to our next location, we see a Snoopy doghouse on the side of the street next to a bookstore!  Random and awesome!

    (More …)

  • Berton 8:52 am on January 3, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Jucy Lucy, , Minnesota   

    Week 1 – Jucy Lucy 

    For those not sure what a Jucy Lucy is, it is basically a cheeseburger with the cheese cooked on the inside of the hamburguer.  They were created at Matt’s Bar in south Minneapolis.  I have always wanted to original, so tonight, my friends and I set out to have one.

    Check out this line.  It extended outside.  Now, to many a line that reaches outside a building may not seem extraordinary.  But in Minnesota, that means something!  The air temperature was -4 degress fahrenheit, -12 with wind chill!  It was that cold, and yet people were waiting outside for the food.

    Man, look at that cheese drip.  It was amazing.  One of the best burgers I have ever had.

    For a more detailed post, check out my blog at http://bertons52.wordpress.com/2010/01/03/week-1-the-jucy-lucy

    Until next time, be easy, space cowboy.

    • screeech 1:58 am on January 7, 2010 Permalink

      In San Francisco, there is a vegan juice bar called Juicy Lucy that I used to go to a lot. Maybe it’s the same owner!

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